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Ideas for Week 3–Connect with the Temple (Click HERE for printer friendly version)

  • Create a family or personal goal to find new names to take to the temple

    • When you get stuck, pray for help and see what happens

  • Prepare a temple ordinance card using Temple Ready

  • Print an ordinance card from your reserved list in FamilySearch

  • Study prophetic promises of the temple

  • Learn more about the temple by looking up Temples in Gospel Topics

  • Make a list of friends you would like to invite to the temple open house

  • Journal about an experience you’ve had attending the temple

  • Find out what temples are meaningful to your family—where family members received endowments or were sealed or lived near

  • Take a Sunday drive to the temple and share temple experiences with your family or friends as you drive

  • Search your patriarchal blessing for promises and blessings associated with temples and family.

  • Prepare a Family Home Evening lesson on temples to share with your family.  Perhaps you could even invite a friend you hope to take to the Open House.

  • Share your testimony of the importance of temples, eternal families and covenants, verbally or written.

  • Talk to a member of your ward about their experience at the temple. Ask them how the temple has blessed their lives.

  • Have a Sunday lesson, or youth activity where you learn more about how to prepare for the temple (Especially important for our 11 and 12 year olds who may not yet have attended the temple)

  • Review temple recommend questions

  • Listen to or learn a song about the temple. 

  • Place a picture of your favorite temple in your home.

  • Create an artistic representation of a favorite temple—photo, painting, embroidery, etc.

  • List all the temples you have been to. List all the temples you would like to attend one day.

Suggested reflection question at the end of week 3: How have my feelings for the temple grown or changed as I studied about the temple and prepared names to take there?