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Ideas for Week 1: Connect with your family  (Click HERE for printer friendly version)

  • Ask five family members to tell you a story about a spiritually defining moment in their lives; share the stories with your family. If you don’t have a family member who is a member of the church, interview one of your youth leaders.

  • Prepare a family time capsule

  • Organize a family game night or activity

  • Cook a favorite meal or dessert for your family

  • Write letters to family members

  • Look up cities of birth/residence of ancestors and look up locations on google earth

  • Interview a family member about what it was like when they were your age.

    • What kind of music did they listen to?

    • How did they decide on their career?

    • Did they have a job while in school? If so, what was it and why did they choose that job?

    • What was their favorite subject in school? 

    • How old were they when they first moved out of the home and where did they go?

  • Video record a family history with your smartphone; share it with your family or upload to FamilySearch; see this article for 150 potential questions you can ask!

  • Talk to a grandparent or aunt or uncle; find out what your parents were really like as teenagers

  • Ask a family member about their missionary service or about their favorite church callings.  What made their church service memorable? 

  • Call up a younger cousin and learn more about them

 Suggested reflection question at the end of week 1:

 **How has my family prepared me to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, whether or not they are members of the church?

Upcoming activities:

WEEK 2: Connect with your ancestors - Click HERE for preview

WEEK 3: Connect with the temple - Click HERE for preview